Kwinn Doran

Kwinn Doran

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Soft skills are partially developed through modeling and group work, and setting non-testable expectations like being on time to class, etc. 

Socratic method is still relevant. I sometimes wonder if it is less effective, though, to use the method when a pre-determined goal is in mind. It is more complicated, but perhaps even more effective, when both the instructor and students truly are not after a goal, but truly exploring a topic.  

weave in various methods of instruction

Empathy matters. We don't lower our standard, but if a student feels cared about, known, respected, they are more motivated to rise to the goals. 

Giving ways to apply past class learning in novel ways at certain points is a strong idea. 

Reminded that getting students to have done work ahead of time, so that class explores, not introduces, content, is often important. 

Distinguishing between external and internal challenges and distractions and issues is important. Good reminder to always be compassionate, listen, offer services, but direct back to the class. 

Greetings, great comment / question. I tend to have basic "3 star" criteria.  

1 is missing some criteria (0)

2 meets criteria (85)

3 exceeds criteria. (100)

I have the following criteria. A post should 1. answer a question or meaningfully engage a topic, 2, provide original ideas, 3 use specific page-cited examples from class readings to back up / demonstrate ideas. This makes students dig deeper into the readings (or videos or activities) to keep making sure they are not just giving opinion, but backing up their ideas by recalling and using the information from class. 

If a… >>>

There is very little conclusive research to actually suggest adults have one main learning style. However, the ideas in this section still do have good methods, and changing up approaches (lecture, recall based activities, etc) is good. 

Initial activities, even introductions, can set the tone for the whole class and increase chance of interactive learning over the semester. 

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