Janet Smith Stasiak

Janet Smith Stasiak

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I appreciate the clarification of copyright laws.  I have often seen the use of cartoons and other media used by faculty or in CEU type presentations and now I realize these were probably innappropriate.  I hope to see further clarification in upcoming segments because I'm curious where the line is for citation versus requesting permission to use work due to copyright.


I do feel like you have to go a bit overboard with pleasantries in online communication, especially when students are upset and complaining.  I finished my doctorate a few years ago and empathisize with the level of stress they are under.  A few extra words of support and encouragement can go a long way to having a productive conversation with a student.


Online courses are just one aspect of the technologies used in web based learning.


Online learning was definitely surging before 2020.


I think some of the blame needs to be taken by instructors/ faculty.  "Tenure" faculty in brick and mortar schools have a well deserved reputation for not responding to students.  If a student is lucky, a TA might respond.  In the reading it states that students are not consumers, but I beg to differ.  In what other field would someone pay thousands of dollars to be ignored?  Isn't your very job as an instructor to teach? Doesn't that mean answering questions? 

We are quick to blame the younger generation of students for not being "go getters" but in reality they… >>>

The importance of keeping course content fresh and up to date and that summative course evaluations may provide detailed information which may need to be analyzed and assessed for appropriate revisions and take longer, typically 1-2 weeks.

Teaching presence, social presence, and instructor response time are important factors in student perceptions of learning.

Increased social presence leads to increased student engagement and retention.


Organizational tools are beneficial to keeping one organized.



Value added assessment is a way to compare the progess of each student which removes potential barriers such as English as a second language or learning disabilities.  This method demonstrates the instructors effectiveness and the student's growth in knowledge.

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