Elizabeth Rodriguez

Elizabeth Rodriguez

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Critical thinking is developing questioning mind in stduents, so that they ask their own questions that will help their own learning. Students do need understanding than the content they were given.  Nursing  students  are trained to develop critical thinking, make quick decisions based on nursing judgment,  professional standards  and previous learning. It is empirical for the Nurses to ahve critical thinking outside the box because we deal with human lives every day. 


It was a challenge  last year on replacing hands-on through virtual learning. Some skills in Nursing requires physical skills or actually mastering the skills physically ( ex. inserting foley. adminsitering GT feeding  , giving medications to actual patients ). Nursing is a combination of nursing theory and mastery of  of skills and how we translate theory into application. 


Student engagement that is customized is more productive in clinical application. As a Clinical instructor,  we customized our instructions depends on the learning needs of the students, level of students and areas they need to practice on. As an  instructor, we determine the student's weaknesses as agroup and indicvidaully , areas of needs and we create activities  or learning oppurtunities to fill in the gap.

I learned various ways of teaching strategies which can help me with teaching my students in clincial areas. I think it all applies direct, indirect, collaborative group effort and independent learning all applies to clinical setting.

 If the instructor is emotionally intelligent, they are able to intepret studnet reactions, perceptions and interests more quickly and therefore able to provide support, additional resources or learning options in order to complete assignments or projects. Thus, EI instructors can create more efficient and effective learning experiences for their students

 As instructor, it is important to continue to challenge our selves for growth and it  help us an instructor to create learning environment within which your students can grow their intelligence and not simply accumulate facts.  As intructors, we should realize that each students  has his/ her own pace and preferences and also his/ her own intelligences.

 Motivation is what drives a person into action. Therefore, helping students to develop motivation is a life skill that will benefit them in  current and future success. Giving students insights to why they have to do specific skills in clinical  and give them motivation to master  specific skills that will help them in their profession in the future.

We as instructors should be masters in managing emotions. EI is controlling emotions or don't get angry in stressful situation. Instructors need to be an excellent decision maker, trust their intuition and having ability to look at a problem and calmly find a solution. Regardless of the stressful sitution , we can honestly reflect to ourselves, accepts constructive criticism and use it to improve performance.

 Traditional  instructors are familiar and comfortable of being content provider. Flipped classroom, they become the facilitator or on site expert and create an  where stduents learn form each otehr and become responsible to their learning. In flipped classroom the priority of covering content is shifted to mastery of content. In clinical site, it is important for the teacher to be  the facilitator of learning, showing mastery of content and students to do " hands on " on clinical skills.

 Student motivation may also be a barrier  to effective flipped calssroom. I will implement in the clinical setting , hear it ( lecture and giving resources to do a procedure example ATI videos ) , DO IT- performing in the clinical setting and Teach it ( peer teaching ). 

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