Elizabeth Rodriguez

Elizabeth Rodriguez

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Flipped classroom is an  intructional strategy which is called " flipped"  because it revolves around student engagement. The traditional instructional strategy is where the teacher teach everything to the students  ( leacture ). Some of the advantages of the flipped classroom includes increased interaction, increased personalized contact time, a combination of direct intruction aqnd hands on learning. 

 Net generation students are the majority of our students in clinical site. In clinical site, we can use  active learning and technology in performing skills. For example, Computerized charting vs. traditional charting, medication dispense  through usage of pyxis vs. traditional medication cart,  barcoding and electronic medication charting. Medication review through approved drug websites and using internet to review specific skills.  Teaching student how  to use technology to decrease medication errors.

We have to celebrate each student's success and strength and at the same time helping them to improve in areas of weakness through repetitive practice ( hands-on ) till mastery of the procedure.

 Faculty need to be on board if service learning is going to be imlemented in the college. They are the critical connection between the college  and the students.

YES, this really applies well in clinical. I always tell my stduents to dress appropriately bacause how they dress reflects institution's image.

1. Listen to their words

2. Listen to their voice

3. Watch their body language

4. Evaluate how they feel.

Yes, but we have to  set boundaries too between  students and teacher relationship and let the students know your expectations to them.

 Our students are our customers. We need to providen them good customer service by educating them well,  students are willing to pay more money if they are satisfied with the education they receive from the educators and will recommend the school to others.

Discussion Comment

  Most of the time , theory is different from what nurses or preceptors practice in the field. I tried my best to teach them the right way so they will not learn the bad habits of others.

  Learning  to write never ends. In clinical setting, we encourage students to write their care about the patients using medical terminologies learned, correct spelling, correct grammar and sentence structures. We validate the progress notes and documentation of care tomake sure  that those documentations are what they meant to say and valid to patient's plan of care. Most of the time I find it difficult for them to write  appropriate plan of care for each patient's condition .

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