Elizabeth Rodriguez

Elizabeth Rodriguez

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What stresses me out is juggling repsonsibilities, aside from great responsibilities I have great responsiblity also at home to take care of others. Commute , traffic and getting on time stresses me a lot if I am assigned to distant clinical sites.


Online  platforms can help us save tremendous time in manging our class. Our school use Blackboard to oragnize lessons. quizzes, assignments and Reminf ro impootant announcements. It helps also the Powerpoint, pre-made lesson plans rather than reinventing the wheel. 


I learned creating to do list, organized according to task urgency ( highlighted and assigned ) and avoid doing it in the last minute. 


It is so hard to memorize the ABG gases per my students, I think using pizza activity will be great to apply. Macarena and dancing will be fun and informative.


I like the idea of white t-shirts and drawing anatomy . It encourages creativeness and critical thinking.


I love the three dots, it is somewhat similar to our Clinical passport but this give us day to day picture of clinical skills acquired by each students. 


During pandemic, as clinical instructors, we became so creative to replace hands- on experience with simulation with the use of different platforms. It was very encouraging to learn new technology and diffrent platforms to teach students. One of those is navigating Swiftriver simulation lessons.


During pandemic, we tried Swiftriver which is an online platform to simulate real life scenario. Although students feel that it is best hand-on learning we can get during pandemic, students still feel taking care of actual patients, knowing thei diagnoses and medications is irreplaceable. Nursing is about in-person relationship and truly caring sick person  hands on with aplication of skills. 


During pandemic, as instructors we tried to replace in-person / hands on learning by watching videos or how to do specific skills. I think Nursng requires a great portion of learning on actually doing it rather than watching how to do it. What I found out despite of lots of videos/ online training, students require to see , care actual patients  and perform skills. I found out that students are lagging skills when the learning ws just online. Nursing is a very unique profession, it requires interpersonal , hands and face to face learning. 

Customized learning - when students customized… >>>

Instructors need to explore different approaches to develop integrative learning. Students now are very technology driven and using different  platforms, apps and online resources which can help them understand the subject not just depending the teacher. Students can benefit in creative approach in clinical- presenting a problem or patient diagnosis and be creative how to manage specific health problems by using different resources. For example, medication review. Students just don't depend now in drug handbooks but using electronic apps, you tube videos to fully understand  specific problem or medications.


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