Beth McDonough

Beth McDonough

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Use quantitative and qualitative data to complement each other.  Quantitative data usually gives you the what; qualitative data usually answers the why or the how. Quantitative data also typically contains numerical data, whereas qualitative data typically includes interviews, written comments, etc.


Meaningful feedback that is connected to learning objectives, and is specific, detailed, individualized and provided in an appropriate way, gives students information to help them increase their knowledge and/or skills.

 The course-module template is a cyclical and ongoing process. It must occur more than once to identify areas in which students may have difficulty or to ensure content, graphics, etc. are properly placed to enhance student learning.

Some guidelines for managing counseling via e-mail are:

Inform learners that, depending on the nature of their inquiry, you may assign someone else to provide an answer.

Avoid promising immediate responses; however, try to maintain, as a minimum, a 24-hour turnaround time. Some inquiries may require shorter turnaround times. Use your discretion.

Provide learners with a list of the types of inquiry to which you are authorized to respond.

a student can have more than one style but to different degrees for each.

Feedback should be worded in way to encourage participation, confidence, and motivation. Feedback should also be constructive criticism if there is a need.

It is important to allot time for socializing at the beginning of the synchronous discussion. Also allow time for ending remarks of the synchronous discussion.

A student can have more than one style but to different degrees for each.

Create a biography of yourself to establish connections with the class, set office hours virtually. As first assignment have students set up a little biography of themselves, include this must be complete at th end of class. This allows student to get to know one another through distance learning.


Being an expert on the course material is wonderful knowledge to impart. Also knowing the virtual/online version of delivery is also very important to ais students in a smooth transition through the program and also the teacher/instructor.


Motivaging students through reinforcement, keeping the concept of learning positive, motivates and encouages the learner as if all scored work will need to be 100%, Leads the student to work for the higher goals of self-reflection. Motivating through retention enables them to learn, store, retrieve & apply this new information. This will allow student to succeed based on application in the "Ah Ha" moment as they see what they learn is intergrated into their careers. This results in their transference of skills learned are now applied increaseing the learning pathways. 

Knowing your students is vital; involve them with/from their life… >>>

 Learnactivity allows students to learn new informtion, knowledge & skills to move from novice to expert levels of confidence. Variety keeps the class alive! Keeping materials; Active- students participate and Move- engages progress. Cognitive and tactile learning experiences create retention of material creating a working memory skill, engagment of mind and body. Reducing anxiety of course fears of failure;  persception shifts to emphaize increased growth. The use of 3x5 cards asking students to write down their assessment of the assignment/class time spent together that day. Works two-fold; enchancing their memory skills and having instructor improving instructional skills. Therefore, keeping class… >>>

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