Beth McDonough

Beth McDonough

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Setting a stage for learning is key, through comfort, security, acceptance and self-respect. It has been proven that 60% of student success is based upon the respect they have for themselves. Getting to know your class is as important as it was in ones' earlier childhood eduation. Creating a personalized touch develops a good rapport with the entire class. Keeping students as active learners reinforcs their need and reasons for requiring quality work equals quality retention leading to success; as a proven success rate isĀ  40% higher levels in student achievements. Keeping in mind to keep it light and fun… >>>

Maintaining a student's retention consists of many variables. Ranging from age, cuture, to physical or cognitive disabilities. All revolving around levels of life experiences encompassing one's fear of success, to social connection to academical levels. Finding the need of support systems is often more important from personal circumstances to student frustrations whether they are intrinsic or extrinsic needs.


Overall and foremost is organization. Organization of the text, noteing taking, materials, ordering supplies, noting things throughout the course about students, class, meetings and or materials. The students can tell when they have an instructor who has their act together. Also, emphasizing the importance of undestanding the course syllabus to the students; that it is a contract between you and your students set up for the benefit of the students. Finally, be yourself and enjoy your time teaching.


Some key components to remember about becoming a good instructor are being a good role model to inculde demonstrating by actions of maintaining quality career skills. Through good organizational skills from set-up of supplies and content materials for the program. Plus, convincing the students your love for this subject will create an internal drive of appreciation throughout your classes.


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