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Organizational Development Planning for IT Schools

Leadership Development:

Invest in leadership development programs for administrators, department chairs, and academic leaders within the IT school.
Provide training, coaching, and mentoring opportunities to develop leadership skills, decision-making abilities, and strategic thinking among faculty and staff.
Faculty Recruitment and Retention:

Develop a proactive recruitment strategy to attract top-tier faculty with expertise in emerging areas of information technology.
Implement initiatives to support faculty development, recognition, and retention, such as tenure-track positions, research grants, and sabbatical opportunities.
Staff Training and Professional Development:

Offer professional development opportunities for staff members to enhance their skills, knowledge, and job performance.
Provide training in areas such as customer service, technology integration, project management, and administrative best practices.
Organizational Culture and Climate:

Foster a positive organizational culture that values collaboration, innovation, diversity, and inclusivity.
Implement initiatives to promote employee engagement, morale, and well-being, such as recognition programs, wellness initiatives, and team-building activities.

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