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How to Stay Engaged when Teaching the Same Subject Repeatedly


Recently, one of our online course participants, Linda Logan, in her blog, "Understanding Students," stated ..."Also, the instructor must be excited about the course in order to get students excited and motivated.

I had the pleasure of teaching Accounting Principles for years! After a while, it sometimes became challenging to teach the same thing over and over again - how many times can you teach debits and credits a new way? Linda's quote though got me thinking about faculty who teach the same discipline for most of their teaching lives. How do they keep themselves motivated in order to keep their students interested?

Since every group of students is different, perhaps we should encourage our faculty to feed off of the dynamics of each class by observing the interests and abilities of each group, and adapting content and activities accordingly (without, of course, sacrificing the learning objectives).

For example, after repeatedly teaching the components of a balance sheet, I gave a particularly more advanced group of learners a completed balance sheet that was incorrect and had them, in groups, work backward to determine where the errors were and then, upon correction, how the mistake could be averted in the future. It ended up to be a great critical thinking exercise and refreshed the subject for me as well.

What are ways that you have motivated yourself while repeatedly teaching the same subject?

I have always taught small groups and adapt my teaching style to what the student's will most benefit from and then focus on their weak points. This keeps me interested in changing my lesson plans and seeing the students benefit and progress.

Thanks Miriam! I appreciate your comment. For me as well, teaching TO the student as opposed to AT the student provides the exciting opportunity of adapting lesson plans and deliveries accordingly and helps to keep everything fresh!

I teach Medical Assisting and it's taught in cycles so we are teaching the same thing over and over sometimes. So I understand about sometims not being excited about teaching a certain topic. For examples for me I find it difficult to teach the endocrine system. When that topic comes around again for me to teach I will try to come up with different assignments and group projects or games that will make it exciting for myself and the students. Also, asking other instructors what they have done and gather ideas from them as well.

I also teach MA program material. It does sometimes become difficult to come up with new ways to cover the same material. I keep looking for new ways to help me and the students stay engaged.

Hi Melissa, that's a great idea to inquire with other instructors on teaching ideas - they may be approaching the same subject in a different manner

Although I have just completed my first quarter as a CJ teacher, I have found that incorporating other teachers ideas has increased the variety of assignments to assist the students' learning process.  Howevr, I did have to consider the students' learning styles and abilities in the method of utilizing these activities.

as an automotive technology instructor I feel I have no problem with this. There is a constant barrage of new information available for me to continuously research, update, and refresh my material, all the while maintaining relevancy, motivation, and for me, stimulous in the classroom.

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