I believe in order to be a sucessful Admissions Representative, the student must come first, full disclosure is the rule and one that an Admission Representative must adhere to at all times. Just tell the truth, do what's best for the student and succes will follow, what is success? Helping to chnage as many lives as we can. As Admissions Representative we are in a great position to truely help improve the quality of the llives of our students and their families for the better. What we do has a dominoe effect. The child of the student sees their parent studying, getting up going to school everyday, graduating, seeking employment and in the best of cases becoming gainfully employed in their respective field of study, because of the sacrifices made by their parent, that education gained can change where that child lives, what is provided for them that before the parent could not afford to provide. A good quality education, which started with the Admissions Representative, can change what they eat, what they are exposed to culturally and the child that witnessed and experienced this, may be more inclined to do the same that they saw Mom or Dad do as it pertains to furthering theeir education, and their children and their childrens, children may follow that example and reep the benefits of it. As Admissions Representatives we have been entrusted with a great and awesome priviledge! What a wonderful Careeer!