Providing Disclosures
Three discolures that are covered in our admissions process are:
1. No drugs or alcohol on campus
2. No fighting, etc on campus
3. We do not guarantee employment with our career assistance, but we do help
We created a committee and eventually a new position focused on institutional effectiveness that provides oversight to the gainful employment disclosures. During our journey, we discovered issues that we believe will cause further questions from students versus improve clarification and comparability of programs/institutions information. For instance, when doing the crosswalk between CIP and SOC codes for a Paralegal program, one of the listed occupations is "religious worker." We know that is not an outcome of our program yet the crosswalk shows it as a possible occupation. Also, without having the required template in place prior to implementation, the manner in which institutions choose to display the information can add to confusion by students. And finally, in reviewing websites from several different institutions, it is clear that either campuses are out of compliance, or there are not clear guidelines about where the information must be posted.
You have raised a valid point. The student who is left on their own to interpret the crosswalk could become confused with the way the data is listed. Also, there has not been clear detailed guidance in how the information must be posted or displayed on a school's website beyond providing a link to the information. The result has been a game of 'hide and seek' on some websites. The key to successful dissemination of information is to keep it as simple as possible for the student.
Cindy Bryant
We disclose our on-time completion rate; the full financial cost of attendance, our placement rates and our licensure rates
Welcome to the forum. When disclosing these rates do you disclose them in several formats? For instance; in paper, electronically and on your website.
Cindy Bryant
Three items I recall regarding specific disclosures are: 1. The students are informed during the enrollment process, that they will receive a "Certificate of Completion". 2. That our school and campus are "Drug Free" facilities. 3. That all prospective students must provide documentation, that they are at least 18 years of age, have either a High School Diploma or GED.
Before the prospective student signs the enrollment agreement, they must read and sign a copy the campus crime report. This report includes the crime stats and the most recently reported outcome rates.
Two other documents they must also sign are copy of the licensure requirement and drug free policy.
Welcome to the forum! Many times students are given access to the Campus Crime Report but fail to review the information. Having the students read and sign an attestation is a best practice.
Cindy Bryant
They publish the graduation percentage, transfer rate, and expected costs of the programs.
The graduation percentage, transfer rate, and expected costs of the program are all examples of required disclosures. Does your campus also publish completion rates?
Cindy Bryant
I'm not sure, if we do I'm not sure when to find it, that would be great information to have.
Three of the disclosures made to students include:
1) Federal financial aid may be available for those who apply for it and are determined to be eligible to recieve it,
2)The ordinary amount charged for a student to complete the degree program, and
3)Certain documents must be completed for students who choose to accept federal financial aid, for example, students who choose to accept stafford loans must complete entrance counseling and sign the master promissory note.
The Three items are:
1.Placement rates
2.Median income statics
3.Completions rates
Thanks for joining the forum. How do you see Placement rates, Median income statistics and Completion rates impacting a students decision to enroll?
Cindy Bryant
Three items I recall regarding specific disclosures are:
-Federal Financial Aid may be available for those who apply for and are determine to be eligible to receive it.
-The ordinary amount charged for a student to complete the program.
-Specific documents must be completed for students who choose to accept federal financial aid.
Thank you for joining the forum.
Cindy Bryant
Cost/Tuition per credit hour, FT/PT cost per semester
Refund Policy
IT/Technology Requirements
Our school provides on the website and in the school catalog ( written) our completion rates. We also publish all costs for the program, policies for drug, alcohol and drug abuse. Also attendance policies.
Disclosures include completion & placement data, campus crime report and net price calculator. A major concern is the large number of disclosure requirements; the FSA Consumer Information Disclosures At-A-Glance document runs to 31 pages!
I completely agree that the FSA Consumer Information Disclosures are daunting, to say the least. This is quite overwhelming for students and they need to be prepared for the number of documents they will receive upon enrollment. As we all know there are areas that are more critical than others and you may need to emphasize those areas.
Cindy Bryant