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Technology is very important with this generation and this day and time. The students in my classes use their computers to tape and also to monitor the lesson as I lecture. They are able to take notes on the power points as well. I love technology:)

Personally, I do not like to use powerpoints as I think it is temping for the students to not take notes because they tell themselves they will just go back and look at them later (which they end up not doing). After being begged by my students to use powerpoints, I used them for several topics then gave them the test. They did worse on that test than any other and they agreed that they no longer wanted the powerpoints and prefered the old method of lecture.

I still use powerpoints for study game and use the projector for films and video clips but will not lecture with them.

I've recently started using Prezi online as well. It is really fun and creative and can serve several purposes in keeping the students engaged. It also gives students another opportunity to see what up and coming technology is available in the cloud.


PS: The top thread of this discussion that is generated by the moderator cannot be found. That is why I responded to this thread.

I have used Prezi as well and the students really like how different it is, they get excited seeing something new.

We use technology in my sketching class by using the smart board for idea generation. I place all their grade sheets within their portal so they know how to use it. I give them bonus points for learning to upload images into their assignments, and I send them how to videos I find that can help them when I am not around. We do also go old school with a tour of the library and a look at all these wonderful books to help you.
I will check out this Prezi.

our students are such visual learners that i always make sure i have a powerpoint going. Its keeps them intrigued in the lesson plans

Technology, is a good tool to teach students.

There is so many ways to incorporate technology. One way is simply letting the students use their phone. Also, another way is the use of ELMO. This perfect, so your back is not to the students.


What types of assignments/activities, have you used to implement technology within the classroom?

Tremayne Simpson


This sounds like an innovative method for implementing technology, within the classroom. Also, it is great to implement "old school" methods as well, by touring the library.

Tremayne Simpson


Can you please explain how the "ELMO" technology works, within the classroom?

Tremayne Simpson

Something I have recently added to my curriculum are webinars. They are becoming the "new normal" for training industry professionals, so why not introduce my students to them. By doing so, my students are exposed to the latest technology in fiber optics and electronics engineering technology as a whole. Of course, the webinars I use in the classroom have taught me a thing or two also. It's a great way for me to keep up on technology in my field of study. This may illustrate the proverbial "win-win".

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