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Ask a question from your peers to help you in your professional work. Seek different points of view on a topic that interests you. Start a thought-provoking conversation about a hot, current topic. Encourage your peers to join you in the discussion, and feel free to facilitate the discussion. As a community of educators, all members of the Career Ed Lounge are empowered to act as a discussion facilitator to help us all learn from each other.


I gained alot more respect from my employees through coaching them! Erica A.

Clear and Precise Communication

I understand that clear communication is essential in the success of those you are teaching or directing or supervising. Everyone performs better when there are clear expectations presented and absolute perimeters defined.

Communicating Properly

I have found that many people are forgetting about the importance of proper Business Writing. It is important to remember such a classic and formal way of communicating in the business world. Do you feel we have let our younger generations get away with texting in shorthand, no grammer, and lack of proper sentence structure?


Would giving positive feedback as a precursor to coaching create a defensive environment eventually? The lead in to many of these hypotheticals starts with praise followed by critique. Seems like the employee might not buy the praise after awhile if he/she knows it's only there to open the door for criticism.

Coaching and Evaluation Overlap

During both the evaluation process and the coaching process, information is gathered about a person. How can you keep information gathered during one process from influencing/interfering with the other?

Unwanted coaching

If coaching is a two-way process that relies on collaboration, what happens if a direct report doesn't want your coaching? Perhaps they feel they can handle their learning on their own? I understand that the direct report needs to be prepared for coaching by comparing his current competencies against those required. But still, there are those that are resistant to changing their methods. Is this just a case of an unsolvable performance problem? In that case, do we just let them fail?

That was iteresting

Nice now i found my weak spots

Thank you

Great topic


Is there such a thing as delegating TOO much? Basically, giving all of your work away to be done by others and not really doing anythin yourself except for check up on those that are working for you.

Coaching Disgruntal Employees

Has anyone had experience coaching employees who try to put off current issue(s) and/or always contact your superior when they are not in agreeance with a decision you've made? I am experiencing this for the first time and when I try to prepare and set a definite time to address her concerns, she becomes very stand-offish and minimizes its importance. Yet it was important enough for her to contact my superior. A huge problem is that we seldom cross paths at work, due to the fact we both work part-time as aerobics instructors. I see her maybe once every two weeks. I have tried to accomadate most of her requests, but also have to do please the members. I have learned much after completing this course and can take much of what was outlined into future coaching sessions and evaluations, but I'm still curious as to best practices for these types of employees. Your input is welcome and appreciated...

What is the best way to hold your audience attention?

Halfway through sometimes you loose your audience and its a little frustrating especially when you think your doing great. What do you do?

Coaching & Mentoring Relationship

My experience as both a department manager and employee indicate successful coaching & mentoring involves a consistent dialogue and onging trust relationship between both parties. This process offers constant opportunity for sharing information relevant to enhanced job performance and employee satisfaction.

Power Point vs White Board

Power Point: students get lost in the power point and do not hear a word I was saying. White Board: Went back to using the white board with very little information listed. That regained the class attention and questions.

Avoid Jargon - don't talk down to the audience

One of the points that this course could have made was a problem that I often see (and probably have more often that I like to admit) - we use professional jargon in general presentations. It may make us feel that we have a "leg up" on the audience, but my experience is that it often just irritates the audience. Second, they are not ever stupid as an audience, but they don't have the same experience you do, that is why you are presenting the information to them. Never talk down to them, or else you will never truly get your point(s) across. Clell Ford, Sebring, Florida


Conducting the coaching and performance evaluation as separate processes is an effective tool for better management. Should coaching outcomes be part of the evaluation process?

Accepting feedback

The course was very informative in many ways, but the most pertinent were the effective communication practices. Accepting negative feedback is one of the most difficult "skills" to manage, and the guidelines in this course are most helpful. Clell Ford, Sebring, FL

Don't "Gunnysack"

Keep the feedback relevant to the current issue. Do not bring up past issues.

Taking Responsibility

Effective communication implies taking responsibility to perform as agreed and not making other excuses for "things that happen." It is important to stick to the topic.

Feedback to students and employees

I have had many years of experience in management and as a college instructor and have found the provide feedback is extremely essential in each situation. Your employees need the feedback to assist in their moral and motivational factors while on the job and your students need the same form of feedback to encourage them during their educational advancements. When providing feedback, we must remember that feedback must apply to the student and be something that the student can control and change. By providing detailed information the student will be able process the feedback and make the necessary changes where as by providing a broad statement of improvement will only create confusion and frustration within the student.

presentation effect

Hello my name is Denise. How many ways to effective give a presentation?