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This course is affirming, enjoyable and informative.

I have included service learning programs in some of my English Composition I,(First Year Writing) courses as well as my Children's Literature courses.  In both cases, the students not only learned how to apply the skills that were learning in class to working with students in elementary schools, but learned that giving is much greater than receiving.  

As my students worked with the elementary students, their skills of critical reading, thinking, and writing were sharpened.  They became more engaged in class discussions by being apply to more aptly apply theory to practice. Those students who were interested in careers in education were able to obtain some first hand knowledge as well as begin to network with professionals in their desired field.

I also serve as the Service Learning Liaison for faculty at my institution.  In the past, we have done only direct service learning projects both on and off campus.  I believe that the new information for me in this course regarding the  different types of service learning will provide more opportunities for me to explore with faculty.  The academic service, indirect service, and advocacy service will allow some faculty to become familiar with service learning in a less demanding fashion, and will allow more students to participate due to the limited time periods with these three types of service learning.

Continuous learning is always fun.

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