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Graphic organizers

I enjoyed this portion of the course because it helped renew my attack plan on teaching patient diagnosis. Creating a from diagnosis to treatment thought process will re-enforce the information I teach.

Great to hear! I wish you continued teaching success as your students internalize their personalized method of moving through the steps of patient diagnosis.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

I always like to use flow charts to simplify and organize material.

I do to because they help both my efforts and well as those of my students. It gives everyone a picture of where were are going and what content we are studying.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

I think flow charts are more beneficial than I realized for difficult information. I am going to try and use them more often than I do now.

I think you will really like the results you achieve by using them. They help students to see segments and how the segments fit together to complete the big picture. Graphics help to give them such insight as they work through the material.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

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