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We Are Different

When class comes together it is so nice to have a diverse set of people. They all think different and they all learn different. So your job is to pull out your teaching bag and use all the tools you have. I like to pair my bright stars with my lower beamers when it comes to skills. The stars like showing instruction and it give them the confidence they need to move on into a great job. My beamers move slowly but are able to catch on and learn from doing and feeling. I think behind a desk is for one thing but to give someone the power of skills shows them that they can be all they want to be. They are all intelligent in different beautiful ways.

Great post! I agree-your way also gives the 'beamers' more confidience. If they can build that confidience with their skills, it may fall over into their book work. I also like to pair my 'bright stars' with my beamers. They can learn different learning techniques from one another.

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