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The learning process

it has been my experience that first I introduce the subject we do some discussing then demostration then the students do demostration we have more discussions to make sure we are on the same page if I have to reenterate I will if demostration have to be redone we do what I don't want is to leave any question unanswered or any doubts about how it works are how to trouble shoot a problem.

I have been doing the same thing and it has worked wonders in the class. I have the attention of the class all the time. The students don't get bored. They come up to me after class saying how much they learned and enjoyed it. This response always puts the biggest smile on my face.

I believe that it is very important before to teach a student a new skill, to make them understand the importance and value of the new skill they will learn. By doing so, the student will be able to associate the new skill with the ones he or she already has. This excercise will keep the student more focused and interested toward the learning process.
Thank you

I like to do case-based or simulation type of presentation before I begin my lecture. The simulation is based on key points of my lecture. I would come in with patient scenario and ask my students on how they would initiate their care of this patient.

Hi John,
I like to use case studies as well. They really get my students going with discussion and questions. The motivation level is always high when I use case studies so glad to hear you are having the same great results.


I find the use of case studies to be one of the best ways to get students to understand how and why things happen. It puts them in a spot where they are forced to learn through actual experience.


I believe it is important to first provide essential background knowledge to support any new appliation procedures to students so they fully understand the 'why' or the value of learning materials/process and how it will benefit them in their career choice. When a students understands the 'value' of the course materials. they will be excited about the class and the learning process.

Good point about course value. They need to see the value of the content if they are to realize the ROI of completing the course. The more relevancy and application they can make of the course content the greater the value associated with it.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

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