No additional information available.


I have learned that our primary recruitment personnel is already adept at the methods described here and that this is a great resource for training additional recruitment personnel. The course reinforced my thinking in how outreach should be conducted. I took several screenshots in a Google Doc that I intend to share with my coworkers before long, to go over as a review and instruction to strengthen our program.

This lesson talked about using active listening as a tool for getting the whole picture from a potential student to help them decide if they want to enroll and how to make it possible.  It discourage using a hard sell but encouraged engaging a potential student to find out what's on their mind and to offer resources and listening to help them come up with the best answer for them.

They went over a lot of communications skills that were specific to talking to a prospective student. I think it would be good for us to have an enrollment checklist--am curious to get an example from the writers of this course.  They went through the steps of guiding a person along in the decision process in a good way that gets to know the person while sharing up to date info about the school that shows it's strengths. They suggested to often ask the students what their perspective is regarding the challenges and benefits of the program. There were some… >>>

Allows students to understand formatting and get to know the support infrastructure they have access to.


It is important to listen and to engage in a discussion with a potential students about all the things they are weighing to make their decision. This will help them understand how to move forward.

I'm curious to learn more about this topic.  It seems like an introduction to the current methods for recruitment.

I'd like to see the law around needing written consent from a student to post their participation in a course online.  I got many ideas about Best practices. I learned about the Solomon Amendment and the Patriot Act.... I need to find out what our policy on Esigning is though we tend to use it quite a bit. 



I especially appreciated the best practices section here. There are definitely some suggestions there that we can and should implement regarding internet security, hiring practices, training staff for security consciousness. Also, it made me think about who has access to what files and why they do--also how much access they should have --say on Google Drive--the choices are viewer, commenter and editor. All who have access do not need to be more than viewer.

Re the other topics, I have a question and am wondering how long a student's educational records need to be kept and which records need to… >>>

I learned about what is allowed in a Directory and what is not.  The course went over how a student should be notified and have an opportunity to opt information out of the directory. I learned about the rules for sharing student information with third parties. It must be documented and only certain types of information can be shared for legitimate purposes. Sometimes a student's consent needs to be obtained.


We are planning to send a letter to current students annually in November, announcing their FERPA rights and giving them links to two specific online folders with individual content for each student that they can have access to in google drive. I am still working on the letter to go out. I am looking for websites with information for students to explore further if they want to know more about their rights.


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