Gerald Austin

Gerald Austin

Location: greeneville tn

About me

I am a welder of 40 years who has just been blessed with the opportunity to teavh High School Welding. I HAVE REACHED MY CAREER GOALS! This is my dream job. Now, I just need to improve my teaching skillsĀ 


Overall,an understanding of the methods of communication,the importance of communication and facilitating the communication are concepts I need to focus on more. 

Not overloading the LMS with flashy content is a good idea. I like the way this goes. 

The concept of developing a CoP is new knowledge for me and something I will study on a little more 

The statments regarding "Email" being the way to communicate can be a bit misleading. As far as my HS students go, email is NOT their preferred way of communicating and I musty say that I have had varying degrees of responses from adults. 

I think the importance of a syllabus has been a concept where I have to be more aware of and focus more energy.

In my past hybrid classes I have taught for welding inspection, there was not a clear path on how to proceed through the materials. 


Discussion Comment

Thanks Dr. Roper

I am a welder of 40 years and have been blessed with the opportunity to start teaching High School this past fall. 


This course has been interesting. Looking forward to teaching more online. 

The relationship of the teaching style to the tool is interesting but more details would be needed. 

There are so many more tools than the "Student Survey" I have been using. I like the "Peer Review" concept which would do the same thing for us as teachers as it does for students, make us reflect on what we have done.

In think I need to look into the peer feedback as a tool that helps two students at once. 

The sense of community is something that is easy to get in the F2F world and I didn't prepare for it with the recent situation. 

I need to think a little harder on getting this going..

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