Gerald Austin

Gerald Austin

Location: greeneville tn

About me

I am a welder of 40 years who has just been blessed with the opportunity to teavh High School Welding. I HAVE REACHED MY CAREER GOALS! This is my dream job. Now, I just need to improve my teaching skills 


I like the reinfocement of the chunking concept. I had read about it before and needed to be reminded. 

I did notice the reference to flash which can be a problem.. Much of the authoring software uses other types of output. 

I have been holding a weekly meeting with welding instructors to talk about our challenges for teaching online. I have had about 120 total emails that are on the email group and up to 55 people join a meeting. 

After the meeting on the 29th of April, I sent out an email requesting the complete a google form survey. 

Here are the results from the instructors- 18 Total responses as of this writing. 


On that same day I posted a survey for my students in the group. I have received 20 responses from them..out of 42… >>>

I think there were a number of good points that will help if I ever get setup with online discussions. I wish I had these lessons as documents.  Need to turn on my screen recorder!

One think I found interestin was the question about method off communication. I can tell you this, out of my 62 students, only about 1/3rd of them check email daily. I can send them a text message and get a response. 

I like the tool for sure. 


If you are using videos that are hosted online, there is software that you can use to embed that video and then insert pauses, questions, or your own text. Many of these can be exported as SCORM packages or imported into some LMS's. 

One of the newest is H5P which you can check out for free. Here is an example of one I made to check it out. The video was made by someone else. H5P can be installed on a few LMS's. The site where that is hosted is more for trial/testing. 

Another product that can do… >>>

I am new to teaching HS and teach Welding. I have been in the industry for 40 years but have so much to learn about teaching. Any comments are welcome. 

I am trying to decide between using/purchasing existing content from a book publisher or creating some of my own. I have had students tell me that they prefer hearing/seeing me as opposed to some of the "machine voice" content that is out there. 


One of the publishers packages does allow for quite a bit of additional information to be added and that is what I am learning towards. That… >>>

The concept of breaking the students into smaller groups is something I had not considered. 

The different things to consider between asyncronous and syncronous are things I need to focus on. 

I was familar with some of these ideas but this reminded me to put a little more effort. I have had a hard time getting discussion interaction with most of my students and its possible that they would feel a little more comfortable if they knew more about me than just "I've been welding for 40 years". 

I will look into providing the BIO and asking the students to do the same when and if we start up in the fall. I plan on shifting much of our classroom threory time to online and maximizing our shop time. 

I have used an LMS for teaching online before becoming a HS teacher and am implementing it now and for future use. The need for a "Student orientation Course" hit me as one of my areas lacking the most.


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