Vonda Reed

Vonda Reed

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CATs are ways to quickly assess students' understanding of the information.


I encourage my students to answer questions and use many of the techniques from this section.


Some faculty do not believe in learning styles but I do. Before I teach, I give a learning styles test for my students to complete. The results from the test aided me with giving them advice about how they should study for assessments.  The results also provided me with information on how I should give different types of assessments to meet the learning preferences of my students.

Mnemonic techniques are great learning strategies for students!

I love learnativity!


I had my students to act out biological processes to assist them with learning difficult processes and to encourage them to become active participants. 


Students learn better when they are allowed to share their personal experiences. 


Varying your delivery to address as many learning styles as possible can engage students and assist them with learning the material. 

The syllabus is the bible for your class.


Motivate and encourage students! Yes!

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