Tiffanie Nobles

Tiffanie Nobles

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I believe that AR is a great way and can be incorporated in every subject to help students make a connection. 

VR is something that is here to stay. Students can experience new things each and every time they interact with something virutal. This also allows students to be involovded in learning and not just a spectator. 

VR is a great way for students to exerperience things that they normally would not have an opportunity to experience. Also, I realized that VR is more afforable than expected. 

I learned that you can use a holistic response in online teaching. You should also allow each student to post and you respond to gain a sense of confidence. 

Students wshould be given a multuiple of arrays of learning options when taking an onliine class. I find it interesting that the module encourages you to allow students to work backwards on their assignments. 

Record-keeping systems are so important when teaching online classes. 

Learning should be something that should be introduced as synchronous and asynthronous for each learning type. Each and every post should be considered important given the time and response they deserve. 

Students need to see teachers a real humans. We need to introduce ourself to develop relationships just as we would in face to face classrooms. Online classes are to influence, persuade, inspire and energize studetns just as face to face classes do. 




We need to provide as much upfront help as we can give to our students. Online courses can be very overwhelming and students need to have help many times when starting a course. so they don't become overhelmed or frustrated. 

Communication is important, but also teachers need to monitor conversations, posts and other items posted to ensure they are within the code of conduct and on topic. 

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