Timothy Kinmon

Timothy Kinmon

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We use a proficiency based evalution to determine competency in each of the course competencies.

Preparing questions before class that are well thought out and cover course competencies is crucial. Also, being able to assist students to the correct answer after they have answered incorrectly with leading questions is an important skill to have.

I have implemented a flipped classroom in my welding classes, students complete the lecture for the in-person labs online and that come in to complete hands on assignments. This allows students more time in the labs and the ability to experience for welding types and variations.

What I took away from this portion on the module is to be engaged with the students and ensure that the lesson I am teaching relates to the students future careers.

This module was very helpful. I am going to use some of the resources to create quizzes and games for my classes. Also, the information on fair use and copy right law was good information.

I learned that having a LMS allows students to have access to course information at whatever time is available for them. Also, as an instructor having all of your files stored on a cloud server gives you the ability to access the data from any computer anywhere.

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Integrating technology and media will help keep the interest of your students but also to help show how your subject matter is relevant.

I learned a lot about building retention, and the strategies I will use this to ensure students are retaining important information.

I learned about the importance of debriefing in the learning process. I am going to take more time to allow the student to reflect on what they completed before I give my assessment of their projects.

I learned about how important the classroom environment is to effective learning. I also learned about how everything from seating to lighting to color can affect the classroom learning environment. 

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