Tony Graef

Tony GraefCHEP

About me


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I find that opening up discussion during lecture promotes active learning and makes lecture much more interesting to the students.
The class I am a facilitator in gives a pre test the first day of class that is not graded, we then give the students a feed-back sheet showing them how they scored broken down by section's of the test, this feed back guides them to specific areas that they need to study. It also confirms their strong and wek areas an is a great help for them to pass the final exam.
Recently I was honored to have a student that was hearing impaired in one of my class-rooms. I made sure I spoke slowly and directly to him so that he could read my lips during lecture. I found out that where he struggled with the interpetures that were assigned to him. I found that they were translateing everything that was said in the class-room sometimes confusing him. Once I found that out we would daily reveiw his notes and make corrections which led him to get an A in the class.
I have found that by moving around the room, and constantly keeping eye contact with my class. keeps them interested in the course material I am presenting during lecture. teaching at a technical school the students can't wait to get into lab and start working on thier lab tasks. So making lecture more interesting, get's the students more involved with lecture.
With the ever changing age group of the student's that are attending our classes. I feel it is very important that we change our styles on delivering our course content to keep up with the times!
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There is nothing more satisfying than to have a graduate contact you for advise, weather it's a problem at work. Or for advice about an interveiw.
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I attempt to attend as many graduations as possible, the students really appreciate seeing as many instructors attending and shows our gratitude for all the hard work they have done.
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Understanding that Student's issues can lead to a possible withdraw. it is important that Instructors keep an watchful eye for the "signs" of a problem. Then we must act accordingly in order to point the Student in the proper direction.
Healthy coping mechanisms allways work for me to deal with stressors. By utilising healthy coping mechasnisms, I have more energy to deal with what seems the "not enoughf time in the day" stressor.
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When meeting my classes for the first time. I start my introduction whith the fact that I was a former student where I now instruct, and share a breif recap of my sucsess of being a graduate. The whole class settles down and you can see the calm on all their faces.

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