Susan Porterfield

Susan Porterfield

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I know that it is a true fact that Net Generation will run quickly to a cell phone to find the answers to a question they may struggle with, and Baby Boomers will rack their brain until they have found the correct answer.  My students constanly run to  their cell phones if we are having a classroom disscusion about something we have previously went over or if they want to prove me wrong. 

A flipped classroom is something that I will definitly be trying with my students, because giving them the opportunity to actually do a little research outside of… >>>

Walking in each morning with a positive attitude. Opening up my class with an activity that really involves them to make them more engaging. Making sure I have ennough material for class so that if they have completed an assignment I have enough material to keep the actively engage.  Having empathy for my students to show that I care about them and that I understand that they have things going on outside of the class as well. Making sure I have clear and concise objectives that my students can understand as we go through them. giving them an inspirational close… >>>

Comment on CYNTHIA ALMACEN's post: I believe when I do empathize with my students, they truly know that I care. 
I allow them to know that I want them to give me effort, I don’t expect perfection from them but I do expect them to try and know that I’m there to help pull them through any challenges they may face.

Comment on Tanika Powers's post:

I can completely relate to everything that you are saying. I’m very knowledgeable in my technical skills as well. I have also struggled with staying on task. 
what I have learned to incorporate into actually do more one on one. And allow my students to facilitate every now and then.

In doing that my students seem to pay more attention when they have another student facilitating the class.

 Get sidetracked because like you I care too much also.

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