About me


Seth Soronnadi

That it is; "......importantly, students need to be excited about the next learning experience."


Seth Sorornnadi

That; "Rapport is a needed relationship that helps students to engage in the learning process and instructors to feel comfortable in sharing their expertise."


Seth Soronnadi

That; "Students through body language let instructors know a number of things about how the course is going. By observing the body language, instructors can make any needed course adjustments to encourage and refocus the students to keep them engaged in the learning process."


Seth Soronnadi

Learned to; "Make sure that you include all of the students in discussions and activities. It is easy to let the center-stage student take over, so you need to make a concerted effort not to overlook the quieter students."


Seth Soronnadi

Not to forget that; "Students most frequently give as a reason not knowing the due date. By having the due dates in the syllabus, on the board, and verbal reminders, students should have no excuse for not knowing the deadline date. These reminders will also protect you, if there is a complaint filed by a student."


Seth Soronnadi

Learned that; "..... need to make sure when granting extra credit that the extra credit does not exceed the regular credit that can be earned. If the value of the extra credit is too high it can be used by students to replace regular credit assignments that are essential to their learning."


Seth Soronnadi

Learned to; "...use a pretest to determine the level of your students and then develop your instructional materials accordingly. "


Seth Soronnadi

That the use of; "Flipcharts can be used in a variety of ways in the classroom. Their primary use is for discussion sessions where note taking is required. "


Seth Soronnadi

Learned that; "A pause of approximately 20 seconds where you stand to the side of the classroom or laboratory and observe the students can be very worthwhile."


SEth Soronnadi

I understood that; "... modeling positive behavior, attitude, and actions will do much to keep the students excited about training to enter the field."


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