Eugene Guazzo

Eugene Guazzo

About me


Gaming has been a method that I have seen spark interest in a subject, creating learning competivness among students. Many students are visual learners in this present society and traditional methods of F2F does not always spark their interest. Playing "Jeopardy" using class content as the subject matter really engages the student while letting the less versed students recognize through peer pressure what they may not have grasped as course knowledge and gives them focus areas to concentrate on.

I believe that there is less time spent actually studying in adult ecucation because students have become used to finding immediate answers through there Iphones and they rely more on technology to answer their questions. The student is not commiting to memory what they have "learned". They are just a button away from the answer. Not as much classroom interaction.

I was able to pinpoint areas that I needed to evolve in and I was encouraged to see that I had been conducting myself well in other areas. This course helped me by providing me with ample tools to rearm myself with techniques for providing a better learning experience for my future students. I found the ED-104 course a good tune up.

Blog Comment

I agree that it was well orchestrated and easy to navigate. The topics are relaevent to what I need to concider regarding methods and principle I will use to improve my students experiences and prepare them to further there education in a practicle setting or by enrolling in a higher institution of learning. Eugene Guazzo

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