Joanne Stewart

Joanne Stewart

About me


I found it helpful.  Some things were a reminder. others were new.  I like the idea of 15 minute segments.  Even if the topic doesn't change the delivery system can.  I think this might help keep the students engaged.

I think you have to pick and choose.  Some of the suggestions were wonderful, fun and inventive.  Others I wouldn't try.  If it's not an activity you can get behind, you can't expect the students to buy into it.  Also one group of students will be open to ideas that others wouldn't.  Know your students, and know yourself before picking an activity.  I don 't mean you have to play it toally safe.  Sometimes they remember because of an activity being something of a flop; but at least an attempt was made for something new.

I enjoyed 207.  I never thought of all of the components to a successful externship.

It's important to take a person's motivation in to account in a career college.  The students have so many outside forces working on them, they need multiple motivstions.  For most of themI think they have both intrinsic and extrinsic in play.  They are in this type of program for a reason, so they need all the help they can get to keep motivsated and not get distracted so they can reach their goals.

This unit makes one really think about how we interact with students.  What we say, and the impact that can have.  It's OK not to know the answer, it's not OK to make one up.  As long as we're honest we'll keep an open communication and better relations.

I already knew some of the info in ed110, but had forgotten.  Some of the info was new and valuable, and I plan on implementing some of the techniques.  I plan on being a lot less stressed.

Transparency and compliance are the right and fair way to function, it sets a professional standard.  But there is an added importance.  Students watch every one and compare what is being said and done.  Compliance and transparency are the only way to guarantee that every one is being treated fairly and judged by the same set of rules.  Without compliance to the standards we don't know what they are being told; they are reacting and making decisions with out the complete picture.  No on can make correct decisions with misinformation.

Learning the regulations that the schools live under was interesting and enlightning.

It was informative.  I found I do some of the things suggested, but also learned others. 

Discussion Comment
The module talked about using because, and giving reasons. I always give a reason for what I do. I don't expect them the agree with me, but if they understand my thinking it may go a little easier. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't; but I have have been favorably surprised a few times.

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