Sharon Hardy

Sharon Hardy

About me

Hello, my name is Sharon Hardy, and I am new to the college, I am getting a P.H.D. in Global Leadeship. I have learned some techniques to implement in my classroom. I am excited about these classes and look forward to learning the necessary skillls and tools to be more effective in my classroom.


traveling and reading, shopping.


Some of the knowledge and skills that I learned will help me to know how to deal with students with disabilities. I can ask about previous instructional support that helped them to be successful in other classes and it also informed me of other types of disabilities. It was awesome.

Discussion Comment

These classes are very helpful to me and I will certainly take back those techniques that are applicable. Until you actually take these classes you don't realize that most of the everything you have to deal with you are not alone. I addition, I like the scenes from Harvard and overall it helps me reflect and take inventory of mt classroom procedures.I will implement more media technology. I can listen but I am a newcomer working on my P.H.D.  The classes are rewarding and I look forward to completing all the classes that are applicable. Students today need so much… >>>

These classes are very helpful to me and I will certainly take back those techniques that are applicable. Until you actually take these classes you don't realize that most of the everything you have to deal with you are not alone. I addition, I like the scenes from Harvard and overall it helps me reflect and take inventory of mt classroom procedures.I will implement more media technology. I can listen but I am a newcomer working on my P.H.D.  The classes are rewarding and I look forward to completing all the classes that are applicable. Students today need so much… >>>

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