Sean St. Clair

Sean St. Clair

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there are several ways a student can learn and grasp content and it is our job to ensure we help guide them to their preferred method.

there is a lot of new ways technology is helping shape the future of learning and instructing through this blended framework.

a lesson plan keeps you focused on how to prepare for each class session and you want to create an opportunity for students to learn something about themselves. 

the three levels are level of the head, level of the heart and level of the gut and pretests give students an idea of what is going to be covered in the course.

2 way learning is the best practice for engagement and the syllabus helps the student understand expectations and outcomes.

Body language and gestures are very important for understanding of knowledge and how prepared you are has a direct correlation to your ability to deliver that knowledge to the classroom. 

I leaned how sequence pertains to course objectives and what course evaluation should include.

The three different ways people can learn and how the balance of lecture and interaction is important.

I learned that Music is a good way to help students with nerves and the most effective ways to set seating arrangements to keep the class engaged and focused.

I learned how to effectively handle different situations where students act negative towards themselves. I also learned how as educators we are responsible for creating a fun and knowledgeable environment that students can learn and thrive in. 

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