Samuel Beaumont

Samuel Beaumont

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I think the key takeaway from this module is the need to establish communication guidelines, standards, and expectations. Without this and a rubric to outline those expecations then the students will be all over the place with their communications. 

This module outlined the importance of identifying the appropriate technology for the job. There are different platforms for small groups as compared to larger ones, and social media is also a different communication medium. It is also important for the instructor, or instructional designer to investigate the correct tool to use to meet the course objectives.  End of course surveys are a good way to assess if the tools seelcted for the course are actually doing the job.  I also think beyond the surveys holding in-depth discussions with students is beneficial as it provides the opportunity to receive more detailed… >>>

There are many benefits to Vis, such as obtaining a larger pool of potential applicants, the intern does not need physical space at the company location, and the elimination of unproductive work hours.  Of course, there are challenges with Vis for both the employer and the student.  It is not always easy to track work hours and ensure the intern is being as efficient as possible.  With increased competition it makes it harder for students to land one of the VIs as well.  However, if the school can establish recruiting pipelines with companies that could help their students land these… >>>

In the world of COVID I think virtual internships are even more important to get our students some practical experience and provide them more to put on their resume.  To avoid scams I think using the school’s career services office to vet the opportunities and distribute them to students and graduates is a good way to mitigate that potential exposure.


I found the comment about holograms interesting.  Over 20 years ago I was involved in distance education using video tapes as the primary medium and the tapes were of the professor teaching the lecture behind the podium.  We all theorized one day there would be holograms in your home or work that would off on-demand lectures and it appears we are almost there.   I agree with Carolyn Farrell that hybrid is a better learning option than strictly online, especially for those hands on programs such as nursing, IT labs, and aviation maintenance.

I think a good use of AR technology in our aviation maintenance program would be the opportunity for students to make mistakes and see the results of those without damaging expensive equipment or placing anyone in danger.  It is often said we learn more from our mistakes than we do from our successes and this technology provides learners with a great opportunity. I can also see it very useful in the medical field specifically at our school for nurses.  Given that clinicals have been cut back due to the pandemic, more simulations and AR are needed at this time.

The thing that interests me the most are the applications to our specific programs and how VR can help us with the new normal given the COVID situation.  We have a hard time getting students together for clinicals and simulations in our nursing program.  IT students are not getting the hands on experience that is typical of our program, and the AV students need to physically work on planes to gain the needed knowledge.  While VR cannot replicate a real life situation, it can certainly fill some holes in the practical application of theory and concepts learned in the classroom… >>>

VR, AR, and MR could be very useful for three of the programs we offer.  I can see the benefits to nursing, IT, and aviation maintenance training using these technologies.  It can also be useful in some of the general education courses, especially for our nursing students with VR and AR in the areas of anatomy and physiology.


The idea of incorporating a video/audio component to the feedback is great.  I experienced this in one of my courses as a doctoral student.  The instructor sent the paper back to me with very detailed notes using track changes.  However, he also provided a video where he walked me through the major points of emphasis with an explanation.  I can still recall that experience and believe taking a little extra time and effort to provide quality feedback will improve student success metrics.  Another good point is to do a live Webex with the student and bring up their deliverable on… >>>

Lacking nonverbal cues, online communication presents unique challenges for instructors and support staff when interacting with their students.  It is important to always be positive, use affective terms and language, and asking clarifying questions to ensure the person receiving the communique correctly understands the student.  

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