Raul Torres

Raul Torres

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Students want to lean! but more than that they want to create and make things work. Its called art! 

Students will help in understanding this new challenging on ones ability  and its rewards. Yes like in myself new technology is by no means easy. This for our great students i feed they will easy take control of this scientific knowledge.

The chalange is not what the reading of the text books but student outcome on strategies we use as intructors for the comprehension that is interpretation  on what is understood.

I agree The plans and objectives are base on standards that will be an upgrade  for students.

Lesson Plans are vital to a startup continuo to strive to keep this going and yes plan your lesson not the lesson you plan. 


Always looking for another great plan for  looking into what the students can get more Knowledge.





This is great intro to becoming even a better instructor in the art of grading understanding student low grade behavior.We also must provide expectationa that provide our stuents with possitive comunication.


Learn from our mistake is easy keep making the same mistake is not hard to do! 

to have a disruptive student in classroom can be quite a big issue, so the best way we can approch situation is carefuly and not make it worse. Teach smart  andteach with  golden rule dont make it worse! Seek help if needed.

 Teaching methods powet points  are a great part of the  instructor strategy in the students action to achieve there goales if presentation is great tool  to atract and alert students academic level.

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