Raul Torres

Raul Torres

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Learn about each student see there challenge's that they might face. We were there once a while before What did you learn? what would you change ? All in all stress must not be a negative term but use our better side to the positive areas in all of us.

This program is as good as the class managment that is conducted in the students learning areas style and learning to read  students and questions they might have since you have to make it easy for them to identify main ideas and key details.;



Get your work, and your class alo get in order  personal life so it does not interfear  with family. Everything falls in place and gets somewhat easy .

Get your work, and your class alo get in order  personal life so it does not interfear  with family. Everything falls in place and gets somewhat easy .

A clear message and understanable wording makes all the diiferance in a students mindand the affects are incredible.

The true measure os a student seccess is how well students are prepaired to accomplish goals.

I do understand students do rely on our help when completing assignments to a point we must and should assist , comprehension is a key in where many students fail We have to assure that we listen when they ask for our assistance give them that security feeling they will not fail. 


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