Ron Adams

Ron Adams

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yes and no with what I teach yes you can adjust the rubric a little but if things go south with what I teach you don't make to many mistakes in electricity minimum that can happen is a breaker or a GFI trips worse case somebody gets hurt or houses burn down not a whole lot of leeway you have to teach it so they understand why things are taught the way they are taught

Never heard the term before but I'm going to learn how to set one up because feedback is essential

Dynamic syllabus to catch their attention and scaffolding so you can climb to your objective and reach out and grab the knowledge needed to continue your quest for the correct answer to your modules

Be consistent keeep your modules usable don"t overload the module use seveeral modules of approximately the same length and don't give them too much to do at once and make it understandable try not to get to technical keep it as simple as you can and still get the meaning across

Every student is a fingerprint all the same but an indidividual one needs to learn how to reach them without interrupting the flow of information they will need to sucessfully completeing the assignments by assuring them that I am there to guide them and help them achieve the goal

Be prepared be ready be available listen to your students make sure they know you're not ignoring them Don't single track ! respond as soon as you can to their questions and let them know that you really are interested in their success

reaching out to the students and connecting with them to let them know that I'm there for them .There are no stupid question  there is always a way to get the message across and putting up a bio of my credentials and interests will let them know that I am human and have other interests outside of my field

For me it's going to be tough I'm used to a hands on approach so I need to make sure I can relate to the students that is not confusing to me or them so they get the education they need to to pass the course

Adult learners are here because they see something in your particular program that they want to accomplish and all they need is a secure  enviroment and they are here to learn with  a little guidance, point them in the right direction and they will run with it , younger students sometimes can't see the forest for the trees and have to be guided to it wheras the older student has enough life experience to see it an instructor has to be able to recognize this and deal with it accordingly and get the students to help each other out we… >>>

folow school policy on tardiness and and missed days uness you request a day for a legitamate reason ie doctors appointment ,legal issue which can be requested in advance and you can make a judgement call ,accidents can happen and with a doctors excuse and work could be made up with a small penalty according to your schools protocals don't play favorites keep everything on a level playing field

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