Ron Obstfeld

Ron Obstfeld

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Maria, Excellent strategy. Be prepared for those team members that for whatever reason do not embrace your approach. Think about how you might would handle those who do not agree or comply. Ron Obstfeld
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Dennis , Thank you for your reply. Good answer. Ron Obstfeld
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Shelly, Great technique. AN informal setting is many time the most honest and productive. Ron Obstfeld
Shelly, Great technique. Good way to prevent missteps and help ensure success for all. Ron Obstfeld
Janice, Have you considered having the team cross train. Team members can share their different approaches by training each other? This might help them understand each others approach. It might even change their current methods. Ron Obstfeld
Gerardo, Some times people do not have solutions and are looking for input or discussion to help them get on the right track. The team setting may be an opportune time for open discussion. Ron Obstfeld
Nikki, What do you do to change this person's behavior? Ron Obstfeld
Judy, True...but sometimes easier said than done. How would you make sure everyone participates? Ron Obstfeld
Discussion Comment
Luis, You might also include appropriate feedback on a regular schedule. Ron Obstfeld
Jeff, As long as this approach gives you good results keep doing it. You may need to modify your approach if the team members need more guidance or professional development. Ron Obstfeld

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