Rudy Kloeble

Rudy Kloeble

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Once again it is important to meet the persons needs who has a specific accomodation or disability. It requires attention, patience andunderstanding so that the student is not only successful in the classroom but also comfortable and not being ridiculed or talked down to.

It is important for the teacher to be aware of the accomodations and to possibly make adjustments where needed. its not a one size fits all type of scnario. there are so many things for teachers to be aware of espcially with someone who is blind or Deaf.

Disabilities usually require accomodations which are handled differently at times but are important for the success of both parites the student and the teacher. It comforting to know that the US has taken the lead on this.

Learning disabilities can be challenging, it is important for us as instructors to know so that we can provide the necessary assistance.

I did not know that there are countries that [possibly do not recognize disabilities. 

This will be a collaboration between instructors and the administration to be sucessful. Ialso understand that there must be motivation on the students part. Overall it sounds like a win win situation


once again the flipped classroom can be so advantageous to any instructor it is just a matter of lining the course objectives with the online videos and making sure that the student comprehends the material before they can move on. I also see an opportunity to due some sort of case study project that is done remotely and thendiscussed in class to solidfy the learning out comes of each item.

We as a faculty are already very close to a flipped classroom type due to covid. It is now up to me as an instructor to insure that all areas of the course that I am teaching is being covered and worked on. Flipped classroom and Blooms taxonomy will help to make the classes easier to teach in the long run. What that means is more time put in to the preparation of the class so that more class time can be used for the practical and discussion side. 

Teaching the restaurant class can be challenging in the sense that the lab class is actually running the restaurant. This is physically and mentally challenging for student who have never worked in that environment. With that said, having a well thought out plan, homework or projects can be tied to the daily work and using technology can be very engaging. I am hoping to find additional material through these modules that will help me achieve the learning objectives. How cool would that be to find a virtual reataurant that has thought provoking challenges for a restaurant scenario.

Technology is inevitable and we need to master it. once again so many resources to take advantage of and implement in the classroom.

I truly wish that the copyright laws would be taken care of on a campus level so that the teachers would not have to decipher whether or not something like a video is permissible or not. I also am looking forward to finding material that pertains to my field which is culinary. It will be interesting to see what is out there.

I like the idea of Virtual reality and bloggs and video conferencing my only concern is that it is too much. my school uses MS teams and this allows me to call students without giving out my cell phone if I needed to also I can chat and do a video confernence. So like I said I think that there are many options but find something that works for you and stick to it don't get 10 different apps on different platforms. The other thing to consider is that I am still facing the issue of students not having access… >>>

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