James Ricks

James Ricks

Location: san antonio, texas

About me

I've been a professional Graphic Artist, Marketing Consultant for over 25 years. I have the priviledge of being and IADT Web Design Instructor: Web Introduction and Web III in addition to Social Media Marketing Instructor.


anything art, anything web, emerging technologies, social trends and demographics.


advanced graphic arts. marketing consultant. web design.


I love teaching. I don't have anything profound to add to your collective experiences, but in my experience, finding ways to make your students trust and respect you accelerate their interest and success dramatically.

Those of you who have both taught online and onsite, can you provide input on what you found most challenging adjusting from the class room to the digital room?

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Was a good course. Many good conversations here already, thank you for sharing. Something I've implemented this semester to engage the students, provide them influence, or control, choice and feel personally involved is to allow my class to select a committee to determine homework from the days curriculum. It is a committee of 3 so there is a tie breaker. Each class the nominated have to be selected from those that have not yet been selected. They seem to really enjoy it. Creates conversation and so far, enthusiasm and engagement with a high return rate of quality and timely results.… >>>

File or Pile.That gave me a grin :). They watch us, even the small stuff. It was productive to be reminded of even the subtle things that show them... we got this.
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Thank you. Just letting them know they can talk to me, someone, could provide a sense of relief, taken or not, it could be an avenue of relief. I will follow up beyond the semester with me, that's a great point. Thank you for your input.
After the course I understand even if organized, having anything out that is unnecessary can lead to a loss of perception as to being prepared and organized. Learning to control perception of image I can see is not only important but mandatory even in subtle ways to manage, teach and be effective. Nice, like it.
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This was awesome categorizing the different student / learning types. I have 2 students in the same class, for lack of a better word they "appear" burdened. They aren't silent, not angry and participate well, they are capable and motivated but become loners during breaks and both look like they're carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders. After this section I have new ideas how to observe and tactics to apply. Talking to them, they say job is fine, family is fine, and have clear career objectives. Does anyone have any input to increase my effectiveness with these students?
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This is a great topic for the different student profiles. I found I had someone that tended to nap. I pulled them aside and asked about life, job etc., to determine what I needed to do to help. Fits all the profiles found here, younger, needs stimulation. The answers were, "i don't stay up late", "my job isn't a problem", I was puzzled. I have changed my tactic with the student to engage, call on them randomly, use them in a way I now know from this course is an "observer". The observer position works fabulously and I highly recommend… >>>

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I have found teamwork assignments to be effective as I'm sure all of you have. Being a web design instructor I have found that it is effective and popular to allow students to come to the computer and do a brief presentation using the projector of a discovery they've made during class. It engages each individual, they find it as compliment, it builds presentation techniques, confidence and morale among other things. Has anyone else found success using the same?

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