Angela  Ramsey

Angela Ramsey

About me


Discussion Comment

This training was helpful in learning about specific  issues that influence students motivation in the classroom and strategies to apply to faciliate student motivation, improve self perceptions about their abilities, and overall performance.

I found it helpful in learning ways to  engage students more effectively and dealing with rowdy and inattentive students without calling them out specifically in front of the class. Very informative on different ways to reach all types of learners and make class more interestiing and motivating.

I believe the training was helpful in reinforcing the need to model professionalism to students and increasing my understanding of state and federal /guidelines regarding institututional,  employee and student requirements for accreditation. I did not realize the  extent of the trainings/requirements needed to be in compliance with state accreditation, but I now understand the their importance and why they are necessary. It was also nice to discuss the idea of using non-monetary motivators to increase and support employees and student success and retention. A positve outlook and increased self confidence has a significant impact on overall success in life. 

I found this training helpful in understanding state and federal guidelines and policy related to secondary education. I am more aware of why and how to role model a more professional image to students which fosters more respect and retention. Students will have greater success in their own careers if they learn professionalism at the institutional setting they attend.


This training was valuable in gainng knowledge about the use of varying forms of content delivery to accomodate different learning styles, the importance in visual information in learning and retention, how to effectively evaluate student progress and manage missed assignments/work.  Additionally, the importance of teaching skills and faciliating application to career fields in student success as well as connecting the relevance of the course material.

This training was helpful in learning about specific  issues that influence students motivation in the classroom and strategies to apply to faciliate student motivation, improve self perceptions about their abilities, and overall performance.

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