Angela  Ramsey

Angela Ramsey

About me


I initiate a discussion on learning disabilities when reviewing the syllabus in the first class. I think its important to approach this topic early as a way to help students with learning disabilities feel accepted, increase awareness about instructional supports, and to motivate self- advocacy.
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I think it is important to present course content in a manner that is easy for students to understand and to provide real world examples that they can apply to their own lives to facilitate learning.
I have found student learning groups to be valuable in developing classroom rapport and creating a safe atmosphere which fosters student participation. I use student learning groups typically the last half of class for content application activities.
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I tend to use the white board a lot so I find it hard to move around the classroom. I think too much movement can be a distraction to students. I agree that movement is important and can be utilized while remaining in a position of front and center.

This training was valuable in gainng knowledge about the use of varying forms of content delivery to accomodate different learning styles, the importance in visual information in learning and retention, how to effectively evaluate student progress and manage missed assignments/work.  Additionally, the importance of teaching skills and faciliating application to career fields in student success as well as connecting the relevance of the course material.

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It is helpful to know school policy regarding make up work and having policy in writing. Discuss with students the procedure for make up work, and penalties for late assignments.
I have experienced many instances of students who have inadequate background it is helpful to be aware of options to offer these students such as student learning groups, a pretest, offering study guides, referral to other resources, and individual help.
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It is important to use a variety of mediums to present course information to keep students attention, reach a all types of learner, and visual strategies are most important in learning and retention of information.
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It is important to develop insight about personality attributes to understand how specific traits can influence students in both negative and positive ways. An effective teacher should continually assess strengths and weaknesses to accommodate the changing group dynamics with each new class/group of students.
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This training was valuable in learning strategies to improve student motivation and confidence in the classroom. Specifically, learning about constructivism to help boost security and relating course material to student career fields to illustrate value in the course and support autonomy.

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