Cheryl Johnson

Cheryl Johnson

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I learned so much taking this wonderful course along with learning from my peers by reading and reviewing their comments through each module.

I will make sure that my courses are coherent and structuredand well organized along with putting in an extra effort into ensuring that students understand what is expected of them. Sending regular whole class communications is essential.

Some student snags may occur but I will remain responsive to their individual needs and as a whole for my entire class. I love to ask students to lead discussions to get their perspective as well to evaluate how much… >>>

Communcation with a student online has to be engaging while influencing positivity as well as being supportive of their academic needs. 


Technology is key to support online courses.


Reply to Nicole Richmond's post: So true I agree.

Online learning is definetely becoming more prominent than ever and it's here to stay. However some students learn on different levels. 


 Rubrics helps teacher's promote the consistant guidlines and applications of learning and it also helps students keep track of where their at in their growth.


Students should take an active responsibility with their learning online. The teacher should act as a guide and give support to the student. 


Computer assesibility in an online learining environment will be so helpful in learning their subject matter for all students regardless of disability type or severity of impairment.

This module was quite interesting. I didn't realize that LMS wasn't as reliable to every student. I'm much more aware of this situation now. I will stay informed by making sure student's have what they need to proceed on and complete their online course. 


I've seen it but I'm shocked with the percentages of student's arriving in Post-Secondary schools with disabilities and that have been passive in nature. I'm so happy to have been learning this module to be further informed. I will be procative even more in assisting the students in being aware intitled needs with disabled services. 


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