matthew watkins

matthew watkins

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I have learned there is more teaching methods than I realized. Its inspired me to reasearch more teaching methods and have as many of them incorporated into my lessons as posible. The work place emulation is a fantastic idea.

the Fliped classroom is something I was doing, just didn't know what it was called. I like the SMART format and look forward to trying it out during planing.

I can't say I ever thought about the end of the class first but i do give quizs to help me gauge the students and how they are doing so a more refined approch of that is something I want to incorporate. I also need a better overall understanding of summative assessment its just not clear to me at this point. In our program we are expecting graduates to take their state licence exam as part an overall assessment.

I'm grateful that our curriculum is separated by lecture and labs. this gives me a great way to separate the cognitive and the hands on portions of learning. they can be introduced to new tools in lecture and then putting them to use in the labs. Also I like the idea of scoring soft skills and employability. the rubrics for this are interesting. I have to find a way to incorporate this. I have told my students many times, If an employer calls me their first two questions are. Will they show up and on time? they never ask how… >>>

Managing the classroom more spicificly the lab. maximizing the time we have.


managing the classroom is the difficult one for me or more specifically a lab class.  I know I need to work on this one. often times My assignment in the lab run short; to long; or unexpected problems make it a disaster. My goal is to have a good plan well ahead of class time and more than one plan but several due to unexpected problems and the unknown that never fails to happen in the lab.   


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