matthew watkins

matthew watkins

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I need to develop an ice breaker for the beginning of class. I usually cover several aspects of the class but it's flat and boring.  I also need to better develop a process for late work rather than relying on my descretion.  

I have learned that there is more social networks outside the classroom that could be great tools for keeping students engaged. 

I wasn't aware that there are so many interactive presentation software options. I want to learn more about them and apparently I am not using Power Point to its full potential.

I learned I have been doing backwards chaining by starting with some lab assignments then going to lecture to renforce what they learned. 

I have simulations built into the class but I want to try some games like jeopardy. I have learned how someone can learn in this way 

i need to pay close attention to seating in the classroom for accelerated learning 

I learned to use positive words and avoid negative connotative words 

I need to keep the length of my lecture in mind. I have a tendency to get into indepth explanations and loose students attention.

It's the small things in the first class that can stand out to the students. I will start having each student introduce themselves to the class to help them get to know each other 


I must have a checklist! espesialy on my first day of classes but also through the year somewhat to make sure i hit all the key points i need to cover. 

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