Mary Nourse

Mary Nourse

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Regarding networking and establishing relationships with potential employers, as a first step I'd suggest that you contact your state's Department of Correction and ask to meet with the Re-entry Manager/Coordinator.  (This title varies by state).  State DOCs have already identified potential employers and should be happy to assist you in preparing your students for re-entry into the workforce.  --Mary Ellen, South Idaho Correctional Center



I was not aware of Equal Emplo9yment Opportunity mandates regarding job discrimination against applicants with convictions.



These worksheets will be very useful in my Pre-Release classes here at the South Idaho Correctional Institution, particularly "Overcoming Objections."  Sometimes, incarcerated students will use their conviction as an excuse for not seeking employment; i.e. "Nobody will hire me with my background."  When an offenders makes this statement  to me, I respond with "You're correct--nodoby will hire you if you don't apply for jobs!"


I plan to continue to assist my students here at the South Idaho Correctional Institution in development of a "Branding Statement," which I've called an "Elevator Speech" in the past.

Here in Idaho, by the way, a significant number of our adult offenders have committed crimes that were tied to suibstance abuse.  We've also seen an increase in the number of females coming into our system; this is a nation-wide trend.


--Mary Ellen Nourse, Ed.D.
Instructor, South Idaho Correctional Institution



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