Mary Nourse

Mary Nourse

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Professional development can be obtained via workshops, conferences, and other experienced online instructors.


Compared to professors teaching F2F courses, instructors who teach online seem to be expected to be available more days and hours.  Online instructors need to be aware of this time commitment.


ADDIE intrigued me. had a longer description of ADDIE, which I found very interesting and potentially useful.


Do any of you know of online instructors who've shared their WLMS somewhere online?


A rubric provides fair and consistent assessment criteria.  I intend to try Rubistar.


The section on communication styles of various age groups was very interesting.  Most likely, any online course I teach will have all generations represented.


Providing a rubric for assessing students' participation in discussion boards can help prevent misunderstandings later.  For example:  "But I posted three times.  I didn't know I had to post complete sentences."


A dizzying array of communication technology tools exist.  I'd begin by utilizing whatever tools are recommended by my university, school district, or college.


Recordingkeeping can be a key component to addressing online students' concerns regarding assignments and grades.  In the setting in which I work, the advice is "Document, document, document!"


I can see the need for socializing at the beginning of a synchronous discussion.  Cutting off the socializing component might be a consideration.


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