Malcolm Oliver

Malcolm Oliver

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It's important the admissions leadership focus on the development of an ethical admissions strategy, which is best for the long-term sustainability of the organization. 

It's important to not guarantee employment after completion of the degree program. 

It's imperative that admissions representatives are always truthful, provide clear answers and disclosure when asked. This requires informed admissions representatives that are truly interested in the success of the students. 

It's of utmost importance for the admissions representative, and all others within the admissions process, to provide truthful and accurate information to prospective students. 

The Admissions Resource List is a mandatory document for all Admissions staff. The comprehensive development and training of admissions staff on this document will be one of the most valuable assets for any institution of higher education. 

Its' very important for the admissions staff to know about the academic programs, what the student experience is like, and to have an understanding of the jobs students obtain upon graduation. The more the admissions team works on this, the more effective they will be at communicating the benefits of the programs to prospective students. 

It's vitally important to learn all of the admission requirements for each program at the school, in addition to the financial aid options available to students. Most students will ask about financial aid, so full disclosure is necessary. 

Hello, I'll be serving as an admissions representative for Loyola Institute of Public Affairs, which is currently going through the approval process. In this module I learned where to identify key definitions and policies for the admissions professional, in addition to the importance of developing an admissions manual for consistent reference. 

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