Miriam  Birdsong

Miriam Birdsong

About me

I am a Registered Nurse with over 3 years teaching experience to accompany my 30+ years as a nurse.  I love it!


I just finished 117.  I have found that as I teach the students are getting younger. The Y's are becoming more of the norm rather than the exception.  I have through trial and error incorporated more active learning in my classroom.  I am trying to pull away form the lecture format which I personally am more comfortable with and into using the tools available.  I am actually finding giving some of the power to the students very freeing for me.  I am requiring less of me and totally energizing my class.

Unfortunately, I am just not a techy.  Even overhead… >>>

I tend to find myself reverting back to Boomer Style lectures when I am teaching new or more complicated material. I know I need to get a better understanding before I am in front of students, but time often does not allow. Any suggestions for opening up the class for more universal learning?

Stop.  Look at the person.  How are they in other areas of their life.  I am not sure that the job is the issue and possibly the behaviors are reflective of disfunction/stress from another source.  Refer to HR for another form of intervention.  Nothing makes a stressed out person more stressed than having a cheerleader in their face.  You care and you want to help, but it's time for help from outside.  Remain positive and approachable, not judgemental.  You will find your answer.

Thank you. I know how I was negatively impacted and I do take ownership of my naive acceptance that everything was under control. I'll be paying for that control for many years to come. I've gotten wiser the hard way.

I enjoyed the module on stress management.  It was one of those "just in time" activities.  I was pulling my hair out, almost literally, trying to get into another computer training tool.  Tears were flowing!  I switched and opened the stress management tool and the topics and techniques just made me laugh at myself.  I may try it again when I feel overwhelmed and laugh at how silly I am at times trying to "control" what is not in my control.

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Recruiters are the first people a prospective student meets when they arrive on campus. That initial impression can make the difference between schools for a student. The student is also very vulnerable at that time. Is is quite stressful and much of what is said can be misinterpreted. People offen hear what they want to hear. Follow up in writing of what is said could help avoid conflicts later.
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Exit interviews are being done as an online check sheet with no face to face requirement. Some schools are even tying the exit interview to graduation clearance. I feel the interview would be more effective and more impactful if done with a representative of the college.
I have noticed at other career oriented institutions that there are door prizes, attendance gifts and goody bags for those who come in for open house to a school or program. How does that rate under these requirements? When is a door prize or an ipod considered unfair to the student when deciding on an educational institution?
In my personal experience, I was informed of the cost of the program but didn't fully acknowledge that the amount I was receiving in aid in excess of what was actually needed. Students may need encouragement to not use excess aid funds for living expenses. It could result is a much higher debt that initially expected.

How do you handle confrontational students?  We have a different security officer weekly and have no contiunity in our "power" behind the conversations.  We try to use our soft skills and defuse situations but at times there is no bringing the situation back in line.  Suggestions?

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