Maricelle Dingcong

Maricelle Dingcong

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one common mistake i make is that i get nervous at first and speak to fast going through the material i wanted to go over in record time.  having a lay out and stopping for questions and examples is a great way to stop myself from throwing the information at my students and gradually presenting it to them.

Allowing an angry student to vent privately away from class time is a great idea. it shows the student that you are paying attention to them as  a person and not a number. it also shows that you honestly care about them and their well being.

I like the approach of speaking to the student after class however that is not always probable. I have found that creating group projects in class and statng that each person has an assigned role however that role must be rotated within the group so the speakerlleader/note taker is not always the same person. I found that this encourages the spot light students to assist their classmates and brings the quiter students out to the forefront. 

The importance of coming in early and preperations.

1.) Don't assume or try to prove you are the smartes in the class.

2.) Motivate the students and show them the passion you have for the subject you are teaching.

3.) Being a friend and showing interest in your students is ok but you can NOT be a "pal"


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