Madalaine Brooks-Kinder

Madalaine Brooks-Kinder

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The majority of adult learners begin their new set of studies due to a major life event; i.e. marriage, new job. 

Guide on the side, not sage on the stage. Bring your personal experiences to the classroom to teach from your own wealth of knowledge. 

Technology can be a great addition to your lectures. It is meant to supplement, not replace.

This part of the course went over the different learning styles of the major generations. It is useful information to have, as it gives me an insight into other ways to teach different generations. This will assist me in making sure my lectures are informative and accessible to all of my potential students.

This course went over the different generations, and the differences between them and their personality styles. It was interesting to see how each group was effected by large events in their lives.

There are many different learning disabilities that might effect a students comprehension. A common one is dyslexia, in which letters might mix up or reverse in a students mind. If a student comes to you to inform you of a learning disability they have, it is important to ask if any previous IEP was used, and what might have helped them succeed in the past.

Students will come to class with a different basic understanding of the English language. When giving out vocabulary words, try to limit them to a list of 10 max, 5-7 preferred. Check in with your students.

Grouping students for projects works best in most cases when the groupings are random. Floating around the classroom and monitoring students is an effective way to see how your students are doing; and both award well done work, and help those that might be struggling but not voicing concerns.

It's important to have clear and defined points. Only 3-5 per lecture to ensure retention of information by your students.

In this section we went over different testing strategies, and their pros/cons. It's interesting to see the different ways these questions can be useful to students depending on the context they're studying. 

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