Lisa  Herrera

Lisa Herrera

About me


I learned that feedback from instructors must be meaningful to enhance students' learning and it is necessary for students' learning. 

I learned it is important to ensure students are learning through scaffolding and to know when to update it if they are not learning. 

I have learned that being clear and consistent in how the course is set up and how it works is vital to students' success.

I have learned it is important to allow time in daily schedules for the unexpected that may come up as well as scheduling times to answer emails so you may remain on task with the schedules. 

It is important that the instructor is prepared with a lesson where they ask the questions not the students. Adult learners want to be organized and they appreciate having the schedule,  the expectations,  and clear and accurate information. 

Advising students is a vital step in creating a plan for students success, finding out what obstacles may be present and planning how to overcome them to allow for success in the program they have chosen. Advising will help the student to see where they are and what steps they need to do to get to where they plan to be.

Active listening is an important part of listening to a concern being brought to your attention.  Ensuring you understand the concern will communicate to the student that you care about what they are saying.  Not answering too quickly is also important to pause and think about what you heard and have a thought out response.

Students are customers in the sense that they deserve respect and to be the priority in our daily communications with them. We go the extra mile to ensure we communicate clearly and concisely and assist them by providing a high-level exceptional customer service experience in all our interactions with each student. 

It is a priority to talk with each student and find out why they chose to be in school, what are their goals, and what responsibilities outside of school do they have. Then help them by creating a schedule to be able to focus on schoolwork. Also, provide information regarding resources available at the school and contact information for their questions. 


I learned that Motivational Engagement must be efficient and effective to benefit the students most. When students understand the why, things need to be done, for example, and the benefits they will receive by following through, they may build excitement in participating. I learned that you need to be creative and try different methods to deliver the material and encourage the students to participate in their learning and to have fun while learning. Need to create the steps to encourage the students to turn on their microphones and video cameras more often and upload a photo of themselves to increase… >>>

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