Larry Hill

Larry Hill

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I need to improve on using the tools as were discussed to increase the intrinsic motivation n my students. Instead of having them "robotically" in class, I want to make the material perhaps more interesting, as well as more engaging for the students. This way, hopefully, they will become even more involved in their learning process, and feel they are the pimary cause for their own success. They take more ownership that increases their "inner" motivation to learn and achieve. 

"Closing the Loop" actually begins before the start of a class. Taking the time to review the syllabus, course objectives, reference material, rubics, etc. is a necessary place to start. Evalution for change or revisions should be an ongoing process throughout the course, and culminate in a multi-driven evaluation at the end of the course as was stated. In some cases you find that the "Loop" has already been closed. In whatever circumstance, building flexibility into a course is key. 

Appropriate and timely feedback is extremely important to learning and to facilitate retention of material for the student to scaffold their learning into a future connected course. An example would be from BIO 101 to BIO 201.


I have learned that a specific and organized syllabus assists the student in building their individual scaffolding for effective learning. As in all instances, good communication helps the indiviual student, any groups, and the instructor to meet and achieve all the courses learning objectives.


Reply to Larry Hill's post:Additionally, I will be couplling any video content with a Discussion Group to include visual learners and to gather different interpretations and opinions as well. 

While most of my templates and course outlines are already ptovided through a LMS, I have learned that consistency is key when developing course modules. Reviewing existing outlines and modules through the LMS is vital prior to seetingup the course to ensure not only this consistency, but to determine a good flow of information, and to support all the established learning objectives. 


Although at times difficult, innovational techniques must be attempyed to match up to students' learning styles. I base them on student feedback and knowledge gained.


I have learned to be more accepting of the possiblities of a "gamimg" approach to teaching. During lecture-based classes to add more interest and increase "hands-on" learning. 

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